RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "Heart On Redial Vocals"

Heart On Redial Vocals
by Loveshadow
Recommends (42)
Sat, Apr 3, 2010 @ 4:37 AM
permalink   Fri, Apr 9, 2010 @ 5:55 PM
Hate to see blank space where there should be words. Something in the production on this chorus sounds like Laurie Anderson a wee bit to me.

Nice stuff Mr. Nightingale :-).
permalink   Sun, Apr 11, 2010 @ 10:39 AM
Always, when I listen to your vocal, this or the others, I wish to make a mix forthwith. I already hear the strings and brasses in my mind. Always something palatial, heroic. But later I have to realize that it’s very hard. I can to add your voice nothing. I can’t realise what I heard in my mind before. I have some started Loveshadow mix, perhaps once…
permalink   Sun, Jul 18, 2010 @ 8:53 AM
this is gorgeous. (great idea on the loop for the intro space btw)…love the harmonies too.
Doxent Zsigmond
permalink   Thu, Dec 6, 2012 @ 10:40 AM
Wonderful vocal. Miten could sing this too.