RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "Waiting (Stalking)"

Waiting (Stalking)
by keytronic
Recommends (13)
Tue, Aug 13, 2013 @ 3:12 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:

permalink   Wed, Aug 14, 2013 @ 3:12 AM
YES, terrifying! Oh oh, if Dagon’s version was this humane beast observing and then staying out of the way of their target of obsession out of compassion, THIS was a beastly human going the other way - ALL the way - who probably ended up turning the poor guy’s ribs into silverware (or boneware, as it were)!
I could’ve sworn I heard rustling leaves and heavy breathing, but that could’ve just been the power of the sound image affecting my senses. Auditory hallucinations, that’s what you’ve brought upon me!

I’m very pleased and beyond excited, thank you so much for letting me be part of this!
permalink   keytronic Wed, Aug 14, 2013 @ 3:54 AM
Doxent Zsigmond
permalink   Wed, Aug 14, 2013 @ 3:24 AM
Cool version. Love the spookiness in that. And you made Orris’ vocals sound very much like Gala (the one from Freed from Desire a 1996 hit)
permalink   Wed, Aug 14, 2013 @ 9:17 AM
Excellent track. Very creative production.
permalink   Thu, Aug 15, 2013 @ 3:44 PM
I like everything about this track. Brilliant idea. Great choice of sounds and effects and created by a craftsman. I believe you, this girl has problems. ;-)
permalink   keytronic Thu, Aug 15, 2013 @ 4:32 PM
Thanks a lot for your words. It is fun how some sound effects can revers the meaning of a song.
Linden Tree
permalink   Thu, Nov 21, 2013 @ 12:21 AM
man that is some creepy vid
kinda suspected Orris was hiding amongst the bushes :p
permalink   Sun, Jul 6, 2014 @ 7:21 AM
Is it too late to tell you this is brilliant?
permalink   keytronic Sun, Jul 6, 2014 @ 8:56 AM
Never say never…’s never to late….

Thanks a lot.