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Reviews for "Laika (Sad Song Mix)"

Laika (Sad Song Mix)
by Briareus
Recommends (2)
Sat, Dec 29, 2007 @ 1:12 PM
permalink   Sat, Dec 29, 2007 @ 3:25 PM
Okay, this has to be the coolest mix that you’ve done with my songs yet. This one is freaking awesome! I totally like the beat and everything. My favorite so far. Your mixes keep getting better. This one and the one for “I Thought You Were Dead” are my top two favorites!!! ROCK ON!
permalink   Briareus Sat, Dec 29, 2007 @ 6:12 PM
Glad you enjoyed. It’s not rock, but it does move a bit.
permalink   Sun, Dec 30, 2007 @ 5:37 PM
You have a gift for mixing in acoustic guitar, which is in evidence here. The recordeded simplicity of the vocal is enhanced by the fx you choose to go with your arrangement. I’d pull the guitar further up, and fade down the backing wash so that you alternate voice/guitar with the heavier-but-not-overwhelming instrumentation prior to 1:15.

The heavier part at 1:20 with the little electronica flourishes is really cool. I like the way you’ve got all these elements in the song working together, and it all “feels” right.

You fill the mix, but you don’t junk it up with predictable riff flourishes. It rocks out in an electronica way that works very well with the a capella.

I know I am one of many who feel a warmth toward Laika, a dog from a history book.

Very good mix. a fun listen.
permalink   Briareus Sun, Dec 30, 2007 @ 5:51 PM
Thanks Gurk. I’ve been listening to Deadly Avenger - an artist I greatly admire for his mixing skills.

I also appreciate the constructive review - I learn something from doing each piece.