Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress


About Me
I am a 51 year old man whose life has not turned out the way I thought it would – and I have discovered that that is actually a very good thing. I am a broken, fallen and redeemed human being. I’ve been addicted to porn, drugs, and religion (among other things) in my attempts to fill this void in me and none of them have given me any satisfaction or salvation. I spent the first 42 years of my life being conformed to patterns of behavior and morality which never brought any real or lasting change. I have spent the last 9 years of my life being transformed – not by programs or self-help books or “righteous living”, but by a Person. In that process, God has caused beauty to rise from the ashes that I had made of my life. As John Newton once said, “…I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”

Along with that, I am very happily married (22 years now) to a woman with a spectacular heart! Her name is Angie. We have 5 incredible kids. I have been writing and singing songs now for over 30 years.
Member since
Mon, Sep 23, 2013
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