Imagination Rising Remix Event


About Me
The name “tacet” or “tacit” usually refers to a period of silence (in classical music). It’s been pointed out to me therefore this is an odd name, but I chose it because many of my friends and family remain oblivious to my “dark side” ;)

Music is a hobby thing for me, but I enjoy it a great deal. I trust in humanity and the dream that one day all music will be free! We should find a new way to compensate musicians and composers…for now I’d settle for reasonably priced, though the various online stores for signed artists are making hard work of such a simple concept.

I HATE DRM and the thought that my music may one day be restricted in use, and I feel for artists who find themselves in the middle of political debate and legal wrangling. Still, it was their choice to sign….or not.

I have been assimilated, along with CDK and _Ghost we are the Ghost Kollective… scared, be very very scared.
Member since
Mon, Nov 21, 2005
tacet is found 21 times in playlists
tacet has 16 remixes and has been remixed 34 times.
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tacet has left 126 reviews and has been reviewed 87 times
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