Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress
EJG (aka Laerlooper):

EJG (aka Laerlooper)

About Me
In early childhood, I was exposed to the rock music current to that time: Simon and Garfunkel, The Beatles, Seals and Crofts, etc. I have a sister a few years older than me, and when she hit her teens, a new harder style of rock entered the household: Bad Company, Journey, Def Leppard, and assorted hair bands of the time.
Once I hit my teens, I explored more of a progressive rock style, like Yes, Rush, Genesis, and older Journey. (Yeah, that’s how I made it through the years of Milli Vanilli!). By the time I hit college, Grunge had taken hold. That fad passed though, and I found the music that followed to be rather uninspired. That’s when I began to explore electronic dance music….
In around 1996, I began messing around with beat-matching. I even got good enough at it to get a couple gigs around where I was living. This wasn”t the only thing going on in my life at the time though, so I had to give it up for a couple years.
One day at work, someone overheard me talking about DJing. The conversation sort-of shifted toward computers, and he told me he had this program that came with his new soundcard called Acid. Since he had no use for it, he gave it to me. Wow! How things had changed in a couple years! Now, instead of just playing tracks, I could actually MAKE them! Since that time, I’ve discovered other programs like Fruityloops and Ableton Live that let you generate sounds on the fly instead of just looping wav files. That leads me to where I am today!

-> -> OT UPDATE: I’ve corrected the sample-rate error in my uploads to Soundclick. The error made the tracks sound slowed-down in the hi-fi stream. Give them another listen; they’re fixed now! :)
Member since
Sat, Jul 16, 2005
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EJG (aka Laerlooper) is found once in playlists
EJG (aka Laerlooper) has 2 remixes and has been remixed 3 times.
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EJG (aka Laerlooper) has left 6 reviews and has been reviewed 13 times
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EJG (aka Laerlooper) has posted 42 forum messages