Imagination Rising Remix Event
Ghost_k (Ghost Kollective):

Ghost_k (Ghost Kollective)

About Me
Who is GhostK?

One of the most popular questions we’re asked is …

Who is GhostK?

GhostK started out as a project ccMixter. Two members, cdk and _Ghost got together for the greater good, they called themselves GhostK.

In 2006/2007 GhostK produced a number of very popular tracks, starting out with an instrumental called State Of Everyday Madness. This track was remixed by another ccMixter member, Tacet, who added instrumentation, words and his own voice.

Ghost K continued to produce their distinctive sound, with the YouTube sensation “Stop” , “Layla Jones” and “ Un-named”. In 2010 they added the track “ Maybe” to their arsenal of carefully crafted compositions.

“Stop” enjoyed popularity through YouTube’s AudioSwap facility, increasing exposure of GhostK. YouTubers started asking questions about the mysterious GhostK, wanting to hear more music from this individual or band – which was it? – who is it?

In 2010 YouTuber Dennicism provided fellow fans with additional tracks from Ghost K.

In 2011 the gravitational force of the ccMixter classic track State Of Everyday Madness proved influential in bringing together cdk, _Ghost and Tacet to form the next phase of the Ghost K project, the Ghost Kollective.

Ghost Kollective is a kind of Ghost K 2.0, two became three, with the possibility of additional guests remaining key to the Ghost Kollective ethos.

Now that Ghost Kollective have stepped out of the shadows, you’re invited to stalk them :
•There’s a Ghost Kollective facebook page
•There’s a Ghost Kollective twitter profile

..and they’ll probably respond if you leave them a comment on Youtube.

As of September 2011 Ghost Kollective members are :

(in ASCII order)

Ghost Kollective is based in three different parts of the world, on three different time zones.

more From us at our website

More From _Ghost Here and Here

More From cdk Here Here Hereand of course Here

More From Tacet Here Here And Here

Come Visit Us, And See Whats NEW!!

Anyone!! Singers, Producers, Rappers, Spoken Word, Musicians, Literally Anyone! send us YOUR demo To
Member since
Sat, Mar 25, 2006
Feeds and Podcasts for Ghost_k (Ghost Kollective)
Ghost_k (Ghost Kollective) is found 135 times in playlists
Ghost_k (Ghost Kollective) has 10 remixes and has been remixed 66 times.
Review Stats
Ghost_k (Ghost Kollective) has left 21 reviews and has been reviewed 86 times
Forum posts
Ghost_k (Ghost Kollective) has posted 1 forum messages