
How I Did It

Luxury (inc'd)
Recommends (8)
Sun, Oct 1, 2006 @ 4:25 AM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

I discovered some real interesting free vst-plugins from the net which I used in this work:
Impulse, Protoplasm TSM (free one) and Organ One


Despite other remixes this time I have used finally a little of reverb on the drums. To some synths I added also a slight reverb combined with chorus and equalized to get a "fat" sound

Other Notes

This track was done for the unofficial secret mixter context. I have to admit that this is a great idea, as if you take things with the adeguate seriousity you'll be really able to learn some useful stuff from the people you remix.
Once I recognized that "the man" to remix was victor caused me some panic and some high blood pressure... I thought how will I ever be able to do a good remix to honour the g'father of ccmixter? ;-)

Well. I can only recommend to listen, listen and listen a track you want to remix. I tried to catch the mood, the nuances and the tecnical tricks that he used and to transpose them. Indeed, in Victors Luxury Treatment there were many.... Especially the way he deals with the voice-samples is impressive: if you listen well to the a cappela and his remix you will notice that he was able to modify a piece from the a cappella in a way that it seems real, but it wasn't even spoken/rapped in the source.
At least I have also to agree with his opinion about basslines: by means less is more...
What I -still- would like to change: the bass I used does fit quite well to the track, but it is not the best one I could use. It was really a mess to avoid distorsions/peaks when bassline and kick met on the sequence. I hope the equalizing and compressor could hide this problem a little bit.