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How I Did It

The Sun Smiles on LightSail 2
by gurdonark
Recommends (14)
Sun, Aug 11, 2019 @ 3:29 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Lauki, from

Samples I Used

All the samples were the 7OOP3D samples created and uploaded as stems with their song "Depression Gone for Good (featuring Gurdoark)".

Original Samples



I trimmed two percussion samples to create a rhythm track and assigned them two nodes on the Lauki sequencer. I took two synthesizer melody sections and used them to assign to numerous nodes on Lauki, resulting in a playable software instrument. I recorded 14 minutes of a varied song. Then I edited fairly relentlessly, settling on two tempos as the basis for the song.

Other Notes

I recently listened to Canadian artist Lee Roseevere's lovely ambient recording "Apollo 11", which serves as the backing track to a recent NASA commemorative documentary about heroes of the Apollo 11 moon landing mission. I decided to name my track after a more recent and modest project, but one with great potential for making a difference. I have been following the Planetary Society podcasts about LightSail 2 all Summer.

Music about space tends to be beatless, but I wanted the Sun to have a pulse.