Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

State of Everyday Madness (Or...
by tacet
Recommends (20)
Tue, Apr 4, 2006 @ 6:28 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Cubase and Reason

Samples I Used

GhostK's excellent SofEM track provided the backbone and most of the structure.

Original Samples

Lyrics/Vocals, Strings, bass, Glocks, pads.


Started with GhostK's track, layered around it (bass & strings first). Jotted down the lyrics which started to form late one night. Fathomed the chords on guitar, wrote some lyrics whilst strumming along. Went back to the mix with a good idea of what would go where....recorded the vocals.

Other Notes

Only difficulty I had was the chord change which needed adding for the "Felt the same..." part, I thought this was needed to break up the repetition. Getting the bridge right to return back to the "when I was just a..." was a little tricky :D