Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Snow Geese at Hagerman Wildli...
by gurdonark
Recommends (8)
Sat, Dec 10, 2005 @ 10:52 AM

Tools I Used

Slicer sampler from IXI-software-net.
Magix Audio 5 studio
musedit from

Samples I Used

The mixter samples listed from this site.

Original Samples

I used my original song "Melissa", which is available on my album "Collin County" at


I married Melissa, gochord from the guitar package (very useful package, by the way) and Brilliant Orange Object's Humcycle (I love short effects, useful for ambience and noise) into a single song.

Then I placed the resulting wave file into the Slicer sampler, and found the right melody.

I then time-stretched, delayed, and equalized the result.

Other Notes

I want to add beats to material like this, but I must either create beats or find mixters who will upload a minute of two of synthesized light electro-beats which do not have bass lines or
riffing. This one would improve, I think, with a light underlying beat.