How I Did It

by Abstract Audio
Tools I Used
Bleu tubes/Epic Verb/BJ Overdrive
Samples I Used
Some sound FX where taken from the samples used by absynth
Original Samples
For the bassdrum I used 3 samples. 1 for the sub, a short one for the 'tok' sound and one hp filterd to add some character. The HP played some extra notes for a more live feel.
The snare was also build using 3 samples. A lower one for the body a higher one for the punch. And an extra snare without the punch to interest the sound, I used a widener on this one.
The second snare playes the extra notes
The vocal was compressed for an even sound (T12/R2,5) I also removed some of the lower frequencies (below 250).
Then send to a delay and a large reverb
The pads went first through 3D delay (short time/70% wet) and then to a medium hall reverb