How I Did It

by SackJo22
Samples are used in:
more...Tools I Used
My voice
my seinhauser
Magix music maker
Samples I Used
Lullaby by _ghost
Original Samples
I started writing this song in the car as I commuted to and from work. I wondered if Enzo, the Italian cardiology student ever thought about me -- or even remembered me for that matter. I imagined what I would say to him if I were to meet him, and realized I forgot much of the Italian that I was fluent in at one point. Initial drafts of the lyric and melody were captured on my cell phone. Snippets of Italian kept coming back to me, but I was frustrated that I had forgotten how to conjugate verbs and that I was uncertain about vocabulary words. I decided on what I wanted to express in Italian, and relied on vocabulary that I did recall. I did not want to look up words that I either forgot completely or never knew in the first place. I did a bit of on-line translating to confirm the grammar. I wrote a melody too. This was months ago. I put the song down for a while as I was not sure how I was going to approach it. As I curated the "Dreams" episode of The Mixin Kitchen, I discovered this stunning track by _ghost. I saw that it had been remixed by others, and I did not dare listen to their work as it fit perfectly with the tone I was trying to establish with this song, as well as supporting the melody I originally came up with. Then I ran out of time and despite my intention to complete this before the leaves fell, it is not until today that I am able to finish it.
Other Notes
I continue to be frustrated with my limited mixing skills and gear. I wish I knew what to do to make everything sound better.