Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » wellman » "MuzicK"


uploaded: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 @ 7:05 PM
FeaturingKcentric-vox, Dr. Rex-guitars and Papa_Zulu-brass (with a little bit of help in the solo :))
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Sorry to be late in this party, This has been “the week”.
I really had fun doing this remix. Papa_Zulu’s Midi horns are really good for any style of music I think. I took the melody of the MIDI file and made a more or less acceptable phrase for horns in a hip hop song (did that make sense?)

Really Like Kcentric’s Muzick. It is inspiring! That song really made me think about how we are so so use to patterns that many times we bury our creativeness. It made me think about the process I follow to make a remix..and many others things in life.

Well Hope u enjoy this..and comment about patterns please…

by wellman

2009 - Licensed under
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