Imagination Rising Remix Event
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The Beat Generation: Lenny Bruce

uploaded: Sat, Jul 7, 2018 @ 10:26 PM
FeaturingSiobhan Dakay, Lenny Bruce, Jerry Kerouac, Kenneth Dowst, robwalkerpoet, Panu Moon, essesq, Donnie Ozone, Speck, Austin (Eighty8), Silkwords, copperhead, rhythmboy
Recommends (21)
The Beat Generation: Lenny Bruce

Wanting to be on the jazz with Siobhan Dakay, started with copperhead drums @ 140 bpm and a TRF walking bass in A minor. Listened for Siobhan samples that could be secretly victimized to fit the jazz bass and drum framework. Sampled and victimized Siobhan’s Sax, Muted Horn, Vibraphone and Percussion. Added Speck’s snaps because cool beat generation jazz should feature some snaps. Selected Rhythmboy’s bongos, conga and tambourine because cool beat generation jazz should feature some bongo.

After creating a cool jazz song with the parts, decided that the beat generation song ”High School Drag” by Phillipa Fallon would be perfect in the remix. Alas, no suitable free license was found.

Researched and created an equally suitable and more cerebral beat generation retrospective featuring Lenny Bruce with an assist from Jack Kerouac.

CCmixter poets and lyricists Rob Walker, Panu Moon, Essesq, Donnie Ozone, Eighty8 and Silkword are featured as well.

Lenny Bruce’s material and delivery continually confronts and challenges the audience on social and political norms and one’s knowledge thereof. As a comedian, writer and speed junky, who was once married to and worked with a stripper, Bruce was serially arrested for obscenity and drug abuse until he diminished his success and died of an overdosed in 1966.

Reportedly, comedians often worked in strip clubs as MCs and Bruce references strippers in this remix. His schtick about vulgarity versus obscenity, reflects his fight against the law, law enforcement and the courts treating vulgarity as obscenity. In today’s’ vernacular, Bruce was on a crusade against “the right not to be offended by free expression.”

If you did not follow Lenny Bruce’s reference to Marconi, reference Guglielmo Marconi, Samuel Morse (the Morse code guy) and “What hath God wrought?”

Lenny Bruce’s compulsive and obsessive need to challenge authority and the status quo was referenced as early as his WWII Navy service. A Navy commander took exception to Bruce comedicly entertaining shipmates in a dress. Bruce pressed the issue and was subsequently discharged. Rinse and repeat. Bruce continued to press authority and issues about inalienable rights until he died. Bruce profoundly changed the entertainment industry.

Would still like to remix Phillipa Fallon!

The Band (in order of appearance):
Speck - snaps
Electronico - bass
Copperhead - brushes
Bay Saint Louis Horns - brass section
Siobhan D - sax
Rhythmboy - tambourine, bongos
Copperhead - drums
Siobhan D - percussion
Siobhan D - vibraphone
Siobhan D - muted horn

Spoken Words (in order of appearance):
robwalkerpoet - “the beat”
robwalkerpoet - “generation”
Eighty8 - “generation”
essesq - “poetry”
Donnie Ozone - “generation”
robwalkerpoet - Venus and the Moon
Kenneth Dowst - “bird is the word and here’s Lenny”
Lenny Bruce - Comes Clean
Jack Kerouac - describing San Francisco
Lenny Bruce - On Obscenity
Silkwords - “feel the beat”
Panu Moon - “Americana”

(1) BB1120 Lenny Bruce Comes Clean (1963) by Pacifica Radio Archives
Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States
(2) Lenny Bruce Is Not Afraid by Jason Thompson
Community Audio
(3) New World Notes 99 - Lenny Bruce and The Meaning of Obscenity by Kenneth Dowst
Usage Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States
(4) Jack Kerouac by Shaping San Francisco
Usage Public Domain

"The Beat Generation: Lenny Bruce"
by texasradiofish

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

This track is as hot as the summer heat wave we’re in…sizzling with creativity, humor, and musical genuis, served up TRF style. NOt to be missed!
