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South Texas Cowboy Blues

uploaded: Sat, Oct 31, 2015 @ 12:07 AM
Featuringunreal_dm, ElRon XChile
Recommends (15)
Sitting in the local boozer a couple weeks ago, ElRon shows me a picture of a Peavey Power Slide steel guitar and says, “I bought one of these.”

Looking for authentic, down home, south Texas country music in G major to record ElRon’s new steel guitar, we selected the one man British band, unreal_dm.

ElRon tuned the steel guitar strings to G-B-D-G-B-D. Used two steel guitar tracks with different Fender amp modeling, one panned left and one right.

ElRon played lead on a Samick hollow body guitar.

Used dm’s lead guitar, acoustic rhythm guitar and piano with very little victimization.

Drums provided by Legal and Tender.

"South Texas Cowboy Blues"
by texasradiofish

2015 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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