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uploaded: Sat, Feb 16, 2013 @ 8:54 PM last modified: Sat, Mar 16, 2013 @ 12:45 AM  (replace)
Featuringurmymuse, Sackjo22, Ghost Kollective, mindmapthat, Javolenus, Hector Skillet, Detour, ElRon XChile
Recommends (31)
was our victim
in this secret fortune cookie remix
it was pleasure to torture
urmymuse samples

The Cast of “Desparately Seeking Muses”

Chorus 1 and 3:

Man looking for his muse: Erik Kallman (Ghost Kollective)
People telling the man his muse is gone: SackJo22 and Detour


Lady explaining that you are her muse psychlogically: Kara (mindmapthat)
Man defining his muse as ordinary people: Javolenus

Chorus 2:

Man looking for his muse: Erik Kallman (Ghost Kollective)
Person telling you to be the muse: Hector Skillet

Low budget orchestra

urmymuse - electric bass, parts of six guitar tracks
electronico - synthesizers and synth bass
Elron Xchile - lead guitar

Attribution: Contains samples from “The Love” by Detour/Roseborough. Performed by Detour. Courtesy of Tim Roseborough and
Play Muse

by texasradiofish

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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