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Velvet Robe (Originally by Narva9)

uploaded: Sat, Mar 10, 2007 @ 6:54 PM
FeaturingNarva 9
Recommends (3)
Hey gang! I’m trying to get back into the composition thing after a spell away (holidays, engagement, work and beer!) and decided to mess with the Narva9 track I had bookmarked for what seems like a year! :) I didn’t want to have to start recording vocals in order to get creative, so it made sense for me…and it was interesting working with someone else vocally.

Anyway, I spent this evening on it, let me know what you think. EQ is probably a bit whacked because I mixed it on headphones, sorry if it is.

I kept things simple, tried to not distract from the main vocal theme too much and decided to go with melody over movement (no drums).

Oh, well, it’ll probably sound crap tomorrow, lol :)

Most of the credit should go to Narva9 for the great melody and lyric.

"Velvet Robe (Originally by Narva9)"
by tacet

2007 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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