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Days and Nights (Vincent's Song)

uploaded: Wed, Jun 3, 2009 @ 12:01 PM
FeaturingAnchor Méjans
Recommends (16)
On the edge of the old part of Leiden lies a cemetary where I used to walk past every now and then. Only fairly recently I found out that nowadays it is actually a public park. So the next time I was in the neighbourhood I decided to visit it. When I was about to leave the cemetary after my visit I noticed a schematic drawing of the graves behind a window of the building that stands at the entrance to the cemetary. To my surprise I saw that the mother of Vincent van Gogh was buried here. Ofcourse I was familiar with the fact that that other famous painter, Rembrandt, was born in Leiden. But I also knew that Vincent van Gogh was born in a small village (Zundert) in a different part of The Netherlands, hence my surprise. Anyway, I decided to try and find her grave, which I did. This photograph was taken on a subsequent visit to the cemetary.

When I heard Anchor’s pella Days & Nights (Vincent’s Song) I knew I wanted to do something with it. Unfortunately, it took me quite some time before I managed to come up with something satisfactory. That was partly due to the fact that I am seldom able to write a song in a short period of time, and mostly due to the fact that I experienced a creative dip during the first couple of months of this year. So I want to thank Anchor for his patience and his willingness to re-record his vocals (and record additional cello parts) to my version of the song.

The sample of the grandfather clock is actually cleaned up by DigifishMusic and was originally recorded by Dave Incamas.

Days & Nights (Vincent’s Song)
Original lyric by Anchor Méjans - A song inspired by St. Remy, Provence and artist Vincent Van Gogh.


In Ancient fields of old
The golden sun I hold
And the olive trees are bowers
And the blue cloth sky
birds that fly so high
Come to rest on beds of flowers.

days and nights
nights and days……….

There is time for love
time to rise above
All those taciturn marauders
Leave the sad cafe
For some other day
And the darkened book of hours.

days and nights
nights and days……….

The two sides of Fate
arrive early and leave late
As the river flows ever onward
But for now in Grace
Let’s enjoy this place
If but for a single hour.

As the colors blend
mix and merge as one
days and nights upon a canvas
hung upon a wall
framed as dreams are framed
where no fears can ever trespass.

days and nights
nights and days…….

"Days and Nights (Vincent's Song)"
by Subliminal

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

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