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Home » People » Speck » "Grey"


uploaded: Sat, Jun 23, 2018 @ 6:53 AM last modified: Sat, Jun 23, 2018 @ 6:55 AM  (add)
FeaturingStefan Kartenberg
Recommends (10)
Thanks again to Stefan Kartenberg for inspiring me to write and sing a song.


I guess our town’s doing well
A whole foods opened today
Moved into a brick facade
and painted it prison grey.

Grey is not a color
and neither are black or white
Just ‘cause someone on tv likes it
doesn’t make it’s right

You got your grey bar hotel and your grey goose vodka
and when the skies are not cloudy they’re grey
None of these things make me happy
so why would I paint my room grey

There are some nice off whites that are warm and friendly
Make your house feel like a home
As opposed to the way they’re flipping ‘em these days
All grey and coffee and if you’re lucky some bone

Isn’t the world bleak enough
without you painting it grey
I’d like to see some more of the rainbow
but not enough to make it look gay

I’d like to see some sage or sea foam
Some colonial blue will do
but it seems that all I see is grey when I roam
and all that grey has got me blue

Blue gives you peace and green is for health
The Chinese think red brings you power and wealth
and purple is luxurious, romantic they say
but if you want to feel depressed then go with grey

Grey is just blah, it’s nothin’
Grey is what you use when you can’t decide
Grey isn’t neutral, it’s nothin’
Nothin’ I would choose, something I would hide

Grey is not a color
and neither are black or white
Just ‘cause someone on tv likes it
doesn’t make it’s right

Isn’t the world bleak enough
without you painting it grey
I’d like to see more of the rainbow
but not enough to make it gay
Play Grey

by Speck

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