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Christmas Again

uploaded: Tue, Dec 10, 2013 @ 11:26 AM last modified: Fri, Dec 13, 2013 @ 2:57 AM  (add)
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I wrote this on the way back from the mailbox a few days before Thanksgiving. I wasn’t going to upload it because it’s just more complaining about the commercialization of it all. But then unreal_dm uploaded this tune (thank you) and I thought, “hmm, I wonder if I can sing in D flat?” I had originally written and recorded it in the style of John Prine so I re-recorded it to fit this tune. Melodyne hepled. (I’ve also uploaded the John Priney version in a .zip)

By the way, I have this nagging feeling that I plaigerized about half of it. Please let me know if you’ve heard any of these lines before.

My junk mail is turning
all red and green
The shops are becoming
but not to me

They wouldn’t be open
if nobody went
Not giving them yours
would be money well spent

Jesus Christ it’s Christmas again
Is this what you had in mind
Holy Mother of God and men
How come I don’t feel divine

There’s a sale on at Macy’s
There’s a sale on at Kohls
It’s amazing how willingly
we’re selling our souls

Please don’t go shopping
on the day to give thanks
You’re just stuffing the coffers
of corporations and banks

I’m supposed to be merry
going out buying gifts
But I’m not going to do it
That’s not the spirit that lifts

Jesus Christ it’s Christmas again
Is this what you had in mind
Holy Mother of God and men
How come I don’t feel divine

There’s a sale on at Macy’s
There’s a sale on at Kohls
It’s amazing how willingly
we’re selling our souls

"Christmas Again"
by Speck

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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