uploaded: Sun, Feb 9, 2014 @ 4:31 PM last modified: Sun, Feb 9, 2014 @ 8:21 PM (replace)
ccPlus Comercial License Available
I wrote this song for our wedding day but haven’t had a chance to record it until today. Am hoping to give my hubby a CD of mixes of “Circling” on Valentine’s Day, if any of you have time to remix! :D Circling There waiting you stand by the sea Heart like a wave, renewing, pounding Giving new life to an old sacred ring With our whole world circling round Our sacred ground last home for the Torrey You’re the rock holding me, I’m the tree I’ll marry the ocean if you’ll marry me With our whole world circling Since the Grand Canyon I’ve dreamt of Eden One taste of heaven while I’m still breathing And then you appeared Now I’m walking to you standing there Loving you more than each day before Soul like a spring with new life in everything Your hope is lifting me up through the blue and green Of our whole world circling Since the Grand Canyon I’ve dreamt of Eden One taste of heaven while I’m still breathing And then you appeared straight of nowhere Here by the ocean we start the healing Paradise in motion and you are the reason I release my fear I’ve known you for a thousand years Since the Grand Canyon we’ve walked to Eden You are my heaven and now I believe That the way is clear As I’m walking to you standing there With our whole world circling Our whole world circling You’re my whole world 3/4 time
acappella, media, featured, bpm_120_125, trackback, in_video, in_remix, ccplus, sample, multiple_formats, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, archive, zip, flac, VBR, female_vocals, valentine, torrey_pines, love, wedding, three_four_time
Contents of ZIP Archive: all vocals flac
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Alex (AlexBeroza), ScOmBer, rocavaco, Loveshadow, unreal_dm, panu (panumoon), Zep Hurme, Kara Square (mindmapthat), Dysfunction_AL (destinazione_altrove), Stefan Kartenberg (JeffSpeed68), copperhead, Jeris (VJ_Memes), Piero Peluche (pieropeluche), Doxent Zsigmond (doxent), debbizo, Speck, Disaster of Music (DaveMerrick), writersam123, SackJo22, CSoul, Rey Izain, Citizen C (ChuckBerglund), Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) (NiGiD), dlicona, VickyDan (Vicky), Bluemillenium, Yiggy, Platinum Butterfly (F_Fact), State Shirt (stateshirt), stellarartwars, BABADI, aledoreto, 7OOP3D Found in 5 playlists
by Snowflake 2014 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. ![]() Samples are used in: |