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Seismic Music feat. Snowflake - In Peace

uploaded: Wed, Jun 14, 2017 @ 11:09 AM
bySeismic Music
Recommends (4)
They say sharing is caring, so when I discovered CCMixter, I was thrilled at the possibilities for collaborations. CCMixter is a site run by the non-profit Creative Commons, in which artists can share their music or acapellas for use by other musicians under a creative commons license.

My ideas for the style of this song were all over the place. I didn’t really have a set style in mind when I started, I just went with whatever came into my head. The provided lyrics from Snowflake reminded me immediately of many of the ideas behind the #Resist movement, and therefore, I thought it would be appropriate to incorporate this into the title of this single.

As for my inspirations for this song, I honestly didn’t consciously think of any particular styles to emulate. Like I said before, apart from the lyrics, all the sounds in this song are uniquely Seismic Music, from the vibrato bells to the nicely incorporated drums.

"Seismic Music feat. Snowflake - In Peace"
by Seismic Music

2017 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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