Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Dancing in Puddles

uploaded: Sun, Apr 25, 2021 @ 3:26 AM last modified: Sun, Apr 25, 2021 @ 3:29 AM  (add)
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There’s a bit of back story to this song, so please indulge me…

Its 1989, Friday night, a very rainy Sydney, me and my mate Marty were at one of the city late night music venues to see some old US blues guitarist and we were hitting the drinks pretty hard (old school table service) and we struck up a conversation with this American guy at the next table. This soon turned to shots and all sorts of other concoctions…
He eventually introduced himself as “Reeves” and invited us to a house party at the nearby suburb of Elizabeth Bay.
We all jumped in a cab and arrived at this ultra plush harbour side apartment.
There was about a dozen or so people there and heaps of very expensive guitars sitting casually around the place.
After a few more drinks Reeves and a couple of other Americans started talking about their new album project. Remember this was pre google, so when he said their band was called “Tin Machine” it didn’t mean that much to me. I think I said something like - “thats a cool name for a band”.
After an hour or so, every so often, someone would look at their watch and ask “Where the f*ck is Dave”? It went right over my head.

It all made sense when the door opened and walking in like he owned the place (he did), was the Thin White Duke himself - now bearded, immaculately dressed but sopping wet from head to toe. He said hello and apologised to the room that he was late because he was too busy “jumping in puddles”.
For the next few hours I sipped very expensive whiskey, strummed a guitar (worth more than a lottery win) with the whole band against Bowie singing at the top of his voice freestyle.

Anyway here’s a song based on this memory, we could say, Murray, that our new song was co written by David Bowie ;/

Its not Tin Machine heavy, but more like his stuff five years earlier with Nile Rodgers, nice track mate.
Anyway, here’s the words and me trying my best(est) to sound like him.

The pella is posted here

“Dancing in Puddles”

I’m standing out at the front of the party
in the rain I can’t compete
their black bodies in their raincoat drab
and their their heads pointed down at their feet
Pay no attention to the water a flowing
and reflections from the light on the street
the gutters full
but their minds are empty
can’t see paradise under their feet

And the rain falls down
keeps on falling on down

Hey, loosen up come and join me
I’m jumping in puddles running down on the street
I saw a man with a cool reflection
with no wellingtons down on his feet
Just give permission to your inner child
imagination we’ve forgotten to seek
sensibility somewhere else
responsibilty a slap on the cheek

It’s 3am and the rains falling heavy
with an urgency I just can’t beat
“I wear my suit that is dry clean only
from the pages of French magazine…
you can have all your parties
I’m busy down splashing whoever I meet…
join me now feeling naughty
swimming my way up and down on the street”

And the rain falls down
keeps on falling on down

Hurry up come and join me
We’re jumping in puddles running down on the street
Stay away from them black-eyed susans
lookn down on you they’re full of deceit
Let’s give permission to your inner child
imagination we’ve forgotten to seek
sensibility somewhere else
responsibilty a slap on the cheek

Hurry up come and join me
We’re jumping in puddles running down on the street
impetuositys on my mind
Lets leave the boredom to the tired and the meek
and grab a moment that is hard to find
put a bookend to your working week
give permission to your inner child
dance in puddles as we move down the street!
(puddles running down on the street)

ScOmBeR x 2021

"Dancing in Puddles"
by ScOmBer

2021 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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