Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Hallows Evening

uploaded: Mon, Oct 26, 2020 @ 1:33 PM last modified: Mon, Oct 26, 2020 @ 1:45 PM  (add)
FeaturingCount Neurowaxx
Recommends (15)
Many thanks to Quantum Theory aka Neurowaxx for the guitar. Kept the 3/4 time for the verses and shifted up to regular 4/4 time for the chorus.

So here’s a Halloween ghost story / murder ballad about one of the many young girls that gather at my local cemetery every October 31 only to return in a body bag the next day.

Pella is uploaded here

“Hallows Evening”

She lies on her back with her head in a crack
where her life might have been
Its Halloween morning
and terrors done spawning
from murder within

Taste the blood of a rose
flows easy suppose
if you know where its been
She had howled at the moon
surrendered to soon
to that darkness within


She’d followed a boy
to the mark on the headstone
that matched his tattoo
He held out his hand
dropped some dirt to the ground
like the reaper would do

“Let your mind drift away,
let fantasy play,
I’ll be back for you soon”
“Please dont open your eyes
and dont question them lies
he’ll be telling to you”

Hallows Evening
terror breaks
not breathing
time foresakes
by leaving
her alone

Heart not beating
to that drum
now leaving
falls in silence
bleeding out alone

The tag on her toes
as she rests in the morgue
as her new life begins…
They powder her nose
brush some cheeks with a rose
let the next of kin in

And the coroner knows
from the blood as it flows
she’d been taken within..
“seen it happen before
a year to the day
same “jack lantern” grin”


Hallows Evening
terror breaks
not breathing
time foresakes
by leaving
her alone

Heart not beating
to that drum
not leaving
falls in silence
bleeding out alone


Scomber x 2020

"Hallows Evening"
by ScOmBer

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

This murder ballad will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up! Scomber’s Halloween ghost story includes haunting guitar by Quantum Theor(y). The creepy lyrics, driving drums, and crisp production make this a perfect add to your Halloween playlist.

Kara Square

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