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Suffer Someday

uploaded: Sun, Mar 11, 2018 @ 12:23 AM
FeaturingUrmymuse, State Shirt & Admiral Bob
Recommends (16)
I was going through some old stuff a few weeks ago and I found an old notebook with some lyrics and song ideas. 2012 was the year scrawled on the front cover with a couple of years of drink rings stained over the top. Must have been sitting on the shelf that was my favourite beer resting spot in the studio.
Flicking through it I found a page titled “CCMixter MUST remix!!!”
In a different coloured pen and much bolder than the rest was:
“Urmymuse Keep on running. Fuckn awesome guitar hook!!!!#@!”

I never did remix it, and I didn’t even leave a review !! :-/
Anyway so here I go, correcting something I should have done nearly 6 years ago.

I was going to sing something against the awesome layered guitars of Urmymuse, but I kept a reverting back to something very similar to his original remix of State Shirts “Suffer Someday”.
I conceded defeat -added some drums, shifted some source bits around, relaid Ethan’s original killer vocals - but really, I didn’t have to do much more.
Oh… except to give a little Spinal Tap kind of wink to Pachelbel’s Canon in d - works with any rock anthem song! Thanks AB!

Great hook Simon - so well conceived and executed!

"Suffer Someday"
by ScOmBer

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