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Sometimes Summertime

uploaded: Thu, Mar 5, 2009 @ 5:51 PM
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Autumn on Sydney’s northern beaches is a magic time of year. The mornings are crisp, the surf is on the improve, the crowds are thinning out and 3 shark attacks in as many weeks means that I’m getting more waves.
Take a look at the live webcam from my neighbours roof here.
I’m the one doing cartwheels in the shorebreak.
Today is like a summer day without the melting icecream and the tourist buses so thanks to BOCrew who mixed up some magic with Jacinda Espinosa & Forensic here’s my daily song.
I did the crooning bit after my morning date with Huey.
Happened rather quickly and was finished before my boardshorts were dry.
I guess its the 24th perfect day out of a possible 365.
Wish you were here.

Here’s the lyrics;

Sometimes Summertime

Now sometimes I just feel
that my love for you aint real
turn the pages of a well worn book
fresh ideas from the pain I took

Cause I just broke the seal
of the lovn I should feel
Think of you in the morning light
holding you close throughout the night.

Cause sometimes
sweet summertime sometimes

sweet summertime sometimes

Cause at your shrine I kneel
‘gainst the warmth of you I feel
your turning faces on a crowded street
impressing all my friends you meet

they ask me if they’re real
in that dress wrapped up in teal
with all the hearts that you do steal
trapped inside your snoggn wheel

Cause sometimes
sweet baby now
cause sometimes
gonna be the right time
to let you know how I feel!

Cause sometimes
maybe this summertime?

I’ve been layn in the sun
in a world thats just begun
and through my lip
I found a hook
that I thought was real
but love mistook
you don’t know how it feels
as your love on me congeals
and take a moment if you care to look
just send my meat back to the cook

Cause sometimes
sweet baby now

cause sometimes
gunna be the right time
to let you know how I feel

Cause sometimes
sweet baby now summertime

I’m sailing a yacht without a keel
I’ll be the Captain
if you play Tennille?

man overboard is how I feel
its gotta be the right time

Scomber 2009

"Sometimes Summertime"
by ScOmBer

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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