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Wet Baggy Trousers

uploaded: Mon, Feb 16, 2009 @ 5:05 PM
FeaturingAbandon Ship
Recommends (9)
Originally I did a very straight laidback UB40/early Madness take on this one but it got crazier as it went along.
It all started when I rhymed Underpants with France again.
(its like a horrible flashback -thanks Anchor)
Then I watched an old episode of The Young Ones and it was all over.
Compressed and limited to an inch of its life - my studio was just way too small for the size of the sound (and the crowd ;-))

My 10 year old son does the intro, morphed into a sweaty cockney frontman called Phil.
Heaps of fun and a trip back to London in the early 80’s.

This is exhibit 12 of 365 presented to the privy court in the case of The Queen vs Scomber. Take me to the tower! Can I blame it on my “accessories before the fact” Abandon Ship?

Here’s the words;

“Wet Baggy Trousers”

OK People
British lads
lets get ready to rock

(Fade the bass up Harry- thats it
Tony, Charlie, Ian)

Well the people where up
as the knights came down
and they blew the lights
in old London town

They were learning to dance
to a crazy ska sound
introduced to DR Martin
by some two tone clown

thats right
oh yeah

There were people who came
from Paris France
and they stripped right down to their underpants
they were swinging from the lamps
like they wanted more
so I dropped my baggy trousers and played my horn
(like that)
Oh yeah
Like a ho
I said thanks
thats bollocks man

Turn out tonight
and start a fight
let feelings blow
you got me feeln alright

Just give me time
right down the line
before the night is over
you will be mine!

Well I started soundn thin
as your Oxford tie
and if you stand too close
you get a horn in the eye


In my baggy trousers
and my winged tip shoe up your koit fella

Just give me more sugar
in my earl grey tea
but you better come quickly
before I need to pee
In my baggy trousers

da da da da da da da
(excuse me)

who brought the police with them?

Scomber 2009 12_365

"Wet Baggy Trousers"
by ScOmBer

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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