Technicolor Lover (May I rot in hell)
uploaded: Tue, Feb 3, 2009 @ 6:11 AM
When I was eighteen I went out with a slightly older woman ..ehmmm….
a much more experienced woman - a refined and rather flunky art professor and now quite well recognized in the art world. To quote my song “a white hot, pink spot - sqweal’n old bag - nectar scented, hot blooded camelion” I’m so sorry M. She painted nudes for a living and one evening she lured me back to her studio and convinced me to model for her nude. A skinny Rubens I ask? The sex was so crazy that afterwards I agreed to pose for her 30 students the next day. Not quite as comfortable as its sounds though… There should be a law against this. Thankfully my only memory of that day is shrinking these days. Near the end of the relationship, I could only see in black and white. This track happened very quickly as I lay covered in chartreuse paint making random starfishes on an over sized piece of butchers paper on my studio floor tonight with my beautiful girlfriend Belinda. I added some bonus porn with some organ, EP and a razor lead for that extra zing. Thanks Spirit of the Light! I’ve seen it! This song is my plea for help! I’ll post the pell and the other parts (plus midi) when I recover. Way too much fun with my mate called Dorian. The pella is here and the instrumental stems are here. I’ve been knockn at your window and your cellar door I’ve found the key to your heart that has been used before Your my icecream your my flavoring your some charity’s hoare and you got to change your pages like the guys that you’ve drawn Oh (yeah) technicolor lover just a spill me like another mixed up fan I’m walkn at that door all stained again! - a man of color. Oh…. Oh (bup bup) stroke it (new brushes please) pull your canvas close to mine and dim those lights and draw those blinds (sweet mama and registered pupils) Nothin else to uncover technicolor lover go easy up ladies (there should be a law against this) Have you been painting town with another man? cause am I wash’n all your fine red brushes with sugar soap daily oh baby V just as fast as I can… oh technicolor lover yeah technicolor lover look out for that white hot, pink spot - sqwealn old bag - nectar scented, hot blooded camelion maybe I’ve seen the reflection from that girl next door that my heart should be healing… technicolor lover Oh no, here we go again does this pain ever wash off? What the hell do you call this color? Aquamarine? Chartreuse! - of yellow black and green? pull your pallet close to mine and color me like no other technicolor lover oh you got a world here to discover technicolor lover (oh blimey its cold) Now I hear that Rubens just got laid in France but Thomas Gainsborough missed his chance Andy Warlow paints in pairs and that earless Vincent strokes with stares Now my sunflowers are getting pretty sore let me hold those brushes up to your Cheetah now look away please girls pass on that prime salt peter. Oh I’m showing you I’m a technicolor lover f*ck uhhh where’s the exit to this place? technicolor lover hey are you color blind or something? technicolor lover I just can’t pull this face for a moment longer - technicolor lover Please Sir, call the art police Or my worried mother. But please don’t block those safety Doors. Please help me Jim Beam me up Scotty. I can’t hold it any longer…
media, remix, bpm_below_60, bass, electric_piano, funky, general_nudity, male_vocals, synthesizer, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
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"Technicolor Lover (May I rot in hell)"
by ScOmBer 2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |