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Time & Space (Scene2 - The book burning) - "Blue Lips, Loose Hiips" CCM the Musical

uploaded: Wed, Jan 21, 2009 @ 8:23 PM
FeaturingAnchor Méjans
Recommends (10)
This is Scene 2 (The book burning) from “Blue Lips, Loose Hips” which can be followed best by having a squizz at the entire playlist
This is a work in progress and casting is now open.
The full script (at this point) can be found in this forum thread.

After the opening scene where Anchor lost his beautiful supermodel girlfriend to a diet of green grapes and forgotten underpants we move to this scene.

Here, a heart torn Anchor laments his lost love by burning all the books in his library.
Since he lost his “Pretty” (played by Kate Moss) he is hit by the reality that even the great authors can not save him.

Eugene in the band earns some extra nachos with all his cymbal work! Thanks Eugene!

This is his song…

Courtesy of Anchor, here are his words;

Sense of place
Time and space -
The writings of William Blake.
Joyce and Wordsworth, E.A. Poe,
Rossetti, Dryden, Daniel Defoe!

All their words go up in smoke…
All their words go up in smoke…

(A darkened Lord Scomber on the pipe organ solo)

Thomas Carlyle,
Pearl S. Buck,
Yeats and Milton,
Whitman, Pope…

Sense of place
Time and space -

All their words go up in smoke!
All their words go up in smoke…

Willa Cather,
Sylvia Plath,
Jean Paul Sartre,
Vita Sackville West!
(I hated her anyway)

Chaucer, Dickens,
Huxley, Virginia Wolfe,
Alexander Dumas…

Rudyard Kipling,
Melville, Dante,
Keats and Shelly,
Steven Crane!
Mr. Graham Green,
F. Scott Fitzgerald,
Samuel Clemens (alias: Mark Twain),
The Moving finger having writ…

Time and Space
Will have none of it!
Time and Space
Don’t care one mote!
Here nor there…
That’s all she wrote…
Time and Space
All their words go up in smoke!
Don’t care one mote…
Here nor there…
That’s all she wrote…

Time and Space
Don’t care one mote…
Here nor there
That’s all she wrote…

Lights dim…

"Time & Space (Scene2 - The book burning) - "Blue Lips, Loose Hiips" CCM the Musical"
by ScOmBer

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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