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Go Tell Alyssa/ "Sad Song"

uploaded: Mon, May 21, 2012 @ 3:02 AM last modified: Sat, Aug 25, 2012 @ 10:19 PM  (add)
Recommends (15)
Now an alternate mix.

Work grind got in the way—-many apologies!!
Thanks again, Dice, for your wonderful music!!


Go Tell Alyssa
( based upon the “Sad Piano”
instrumental melody by TheDICE
with lyrics by sLow_starteR.)

Go tell Alyssa
Mom & Dad r comin’ home & th war has almost gone
Go tell Alyssa
Gather up the family, dear & we’ll put away the fear
That’s grown.

Has to be so evident (even to a president)
That these wars r bad for all
(Red D Masque & our downfall)
It’s high time they moved beyond
Arguing w/ guns & bombs
Let’s suggest some different plans: letter ‘U’ for Understand.

Go tell Alyssa
Mom & Dad r comin’ home & th war has almost gone
It’s true, Alyssa
The gov’t would never lie
(Have a slice of apple pie.)

Has to be so evident (even to a president)
That this madness has 2 end
(Human lives are not pretend)
There’s clear writing on the wall
Yet they read nothin’ at all
Four-star generals stand tall wearing medals for sheer gall.

Please tell Alyssa
There has been some strange delay or at least that’s what they say
Please tell Alyssa
Tell her not to worry so, just a little more
To go.

Has to be so evident (even to a president)
That this madness has 2 end
(Human lives are not pretend)
There’s clear writing on the wall
Yet they read nothin’ at all
Four-star generals stand tall wearing medals for sheer gall.

********THANK YOU, Dice, for the use of your outstanding piano instrumental. Obviously, I pretty much just stole your melody line for my lyrics!! :D

note: I support the troops. I’m against war.

"Go Tell Alyssa/ "Sad Song""
by sLow_starteR

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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