Calling, I'm Calling
media, remix, bpm_100_105, editorial_pick, trackback, in_video, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, surf_chill, male_vocals, female_vocals, anchor, csm, telephone, voice_mail
Calling, I'm Calling
The Mixversation
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timberman (Per), oberonskye (ernestedge1), short hopper, latopa (latopa_zm), Doxent Zsigmond (doxent), Speck, Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) (NiGiD), Stefan Kartenberg (JeffSpeed68), @nop (Lancefield), ScOmBer, DipsyJade, rocavaco, SackJo22, Rabih Ghannam (42), Mana Junkie, duckett, Rey Izain, Thais Gomes (thaisgomes), Loveshadow, Kara Square (mindmapthat), urmymuse, Jeris (VJ_Memes), robwalkerpoet, panu (panumoon), Siobhan Dakay (SiobhanD), Vidian, Ajay Aziz (ajayaziz), Jeremy Royaux (jeremyroyaux), Teeyah Lowry (teeyahlowry), Snowflake, Anchor (anchormejans) Found in 1 playlists
"Calling, I'm Calling"
by Calling Sister Midnight 2015 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Editorial pickSometimes mixers get to meet each other in the 3-d world. And sometimes when that happens, music emerges and we are treated to something special like this super cool multifaceted chill mix produced by CSM that features a propulsive rhythm and the intermingling of the unique talents of Anchor Mejans and Calling Sister Midnight. This is a call that can’t be resisted, SackJo22
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