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The Cold Wood Stove Blues (New Orleans Mix)

uploaded: Mon, Aug 3, 2009 @ 5:56 AM last modified: Mon, Aug 3, 2009 @ 6:11 AM  (add)
byCalling Sister Midnight
Recommends (29)
I wrote this song a few years ago and when I perform it I always dedicate to all the single people who live in my semi-rural community.

There’s a joke that goes Q: What’s another name for a single man in Taos? A: “Homeless.” I’ve heard the same joke applied to bass players.

I’ve always imagined this swing tune to be played with a marching band. Though the patterns this virtual marching band horn section plays are a bit sketched-in, I can only imagine the fun real musicians would have with this.

The vocal/sample track was recorded live and I’m very sorry about the nylon guitar in the background of the sample, but as you can tell it is barely audible, and at least gives you an idea of the chord progression.

This is in the key of F. When I found stefsax’s clarinet sample I just about fell out of my seat. Works so nicely.

I hope you don’t mind the live feel I tried to give the band. There was just no way computer-generated beats would work with this one.

"The Cold Wood Stove Blues (New Orleans Mix)"
by Calling Sister Midnight

2009 - Licensed under
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Attribution (3.0)

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