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Song for a song

uploaded: Sat, Jul 7, 2018 @ 11:26 PM
byIvan Chew
Recommends (19)
At first I had an instrumental remix in mind. But Jason’s words for the Shifting Sun promo had so much poetry in it, I ended up with this by shifting the words around (as Jason says: perspectives change, just like the shifting sun)

Guitar and spoken words by spinningmerkaba (Jason Brock).
All other sounds; words re-arrangement by me.

Words, rearranged, as follows. Every upload in ccM is a gift indeed. Well said, Jason.

A song for a song
A gift in return for a gift
When the light shines through
My love for you echoes
With the sound of the shifting sun

In each moment
In each note
There is a chance to love
And to make music
That echoes the world around us

My love for you echoes
Like the sound of the shifting sun

Like the sun
Our perspective shift

Just like the wind
Some secrets are not hidden
But are embedded into the fabric of our reality
Waiting to be discovered
Within a song

When the light shines through
A gift in return for a gift
A song for a song

"Song for a song"
by Ivan Chew

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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