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Whatchu Waiting For (To Say Hello)

uploaded: Sun, Apr 12, 2009 @ 7:15 AM
byIvan Chew
Recommends (8)
The opening 4 secs of CASchubert’s loop reminded me of Simon & Garfunkel’s “Sound Of Silence”! I kept CASchubert’s loop on my computer for a while, listening to it occasionally (heh, “What Chu Waiting For”? - I was waiting for inspiration to strike). One evening, a melody came to my head. It became the opening electric guitar-picking in this song.

Added some spoken words (distorted to sound like a young child and a gruffy man) for effects:
Whatchu waiting for/ I don’t know
Whatchu waiting for/ For the sky to glow
Whatchu waiting for/ I don’t know
Whatchu waiting for/ To say hello

WRT sound engineering, I spent maybe 2 days experimenting and tweaking. Considered the suggestions/ tips from comments from my last upload (thanks so much, folks - esp. Panu Moon took time to provide more tips off-line). Unfortunately for this track, in spite of much experimentation there were parts that red-lined and I heard buzzing on my cheap earphones. In the end, the best outcome was to let GarageBand “auto-normalise” the volumne. Not the best but it’ll do for now.

[update: spoken vocals are shared here, under a broader license]

"Whatchu Waiting For (To Say Hello)"
by Ivan Chew

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.