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The Boy on the Beach

uploaded: Sun, Sep 6, 2015 @ 7:00 AM
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Of all the images that have come out of the Syrian crisis none has been so striking as the picture of young Aylan Kurdi as he laid lifeless on a deserted beach.

The TV news asked if this image would finally bring home to those who can effect events the uselessness of war and the hope that peace will prevail. We can only hope so but I for one am not holding my breath.

Aylan Kurdi was born in a Syria bathed in the darkness of war where all hope was lost
He lived with the pain not knowing much more just a child of a dangerous time.

His father had promised to find brighter days and had paid $5000 to men who had said
The journey is safe and the end worth the cost so Abdullah gave all that he had

But the boat seemed so fragile and the waves seemed so high and the passengers feared for the worst
And with heartless repetition the waves pounded down and the boat became part of the sea

And despite all his efforts good will and hopes Abdullahs family floated out of reach
And the only reminder of those that he loved was the picture of the boy on the beach

"The Boy on the Beach"
by radiotimes

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