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The Dentist and the Rock Star

uploaded: Fri, Jul 3, 2009 @ 8:58 PM
Recommends (16)
It may seem a bit of a sacrilege to take Brads fine tune and cut out most of the vocals, play around with the stems and add to it Bulgaria’s greatest singing dentist but the same could be said either way.

For me they are a fine fit!

Great song by Brad and a fantastic tenor voice from Dr Stankov.

None shall sleep!

No one sleeps, no one sleeps…
Even you, o Princess,
In your cold room,
Watch the stars,
That tremble with love
And with hope.

But my secret is hidden within me;
My name no one shall know, no, no,
On your mouth I will speak it
When the light shines,
And my kiss will dissolve the silence
That makes you mine.

No one will know his name
And we must, alas, die.

Vanish, o night!
Sunset, stars!
At daybreak, I shall conquer!

"The Dentist and the Rock Star"
by radiotimes

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