Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Better place to be

uploaded: Mon, Mar 31, 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Recommends (5)
Well being mindful of the date where I live I thought I’d put this little piece up for examination.

I wrote the words some time ago and they tell of the anguish we all feel as we enter adolescence where our best friends desert us finding more interest in the girls.

Its got a bit of the Robin Hood and his Merry men about it but there’s nothing wrong with a bit of Lincoln Green!!

Thanks go to Anchor for pointing me in the right direction with this by way of his use of the piano from Keyborg.

In the interest of medical science and for those of you with a love of good music I have put the vox up as a separate file.

LS please feel free to use the vox in any way you wish!!

"Better place to be"
by radiotimes

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