by | error404 |
Featuring | FORENSIC (4nsic) |
length | 4:52 |
BPM | 85 |
Recommends |
Recommends (25) |
I’ll stick to the nicotine, for a long time there is no THC in me.;D
I hope you will like it, simple theme.
Superb 4nsic rap congratulations  very good to work with him.
media, remix, bpm_085_090, 4nsic, bass, brass, cajon, drums, funky, guitar, hip_hop, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
Recommended by:
unreal_dm, Donnie Drost (donniedrost), timberman (Per), airtone, YimAir, onlymeith, Blake (blakeht), Alex (AlexBeroza), Fireproof_Babies, texasradiofish, panu (panumoon), The.Spirit.Of.Light (thespiritoflight), FORENSIC (4nsic), musikpirat, Benjamin Orth, Subliminal, wellman, pun, PorchCat, Bocrew, CiggiBurns, Vidian, Tom_O, JRA, Kara Square (mindmapthat)This upload might be Not Safe For Work