Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress
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get looped xxx

uploaded: Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 1:44 AM last modified: Tue, Dec 21, 2021 @ 9:30 AM  (replace)
Featuring7OOP3D, Silke Schmiemann
Recommends (32)
For the Firefly SM my twinkling flash of hopeful lght was the duo known as 7OOP3D (‘lu : pt). Their synth talents and sound designer skills are legendary. And in their Secret Mixter uploads they have proven to be perceptive curators of some of the best electronic music ccM has to offer.

Here Ive chopped, stretched and adjusted tempo, key signature and bit depth of stems from some of the greatest hits of the guys from Hamburg and it was pure fun.

The vocalist is Silke Schmiemann from Stefan Kartenberg’s “be what you are”. The ambient moans are mishrath and aarrnnoo from freesound.


"get looped xxx"
by panu

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Panu leads us through an energetic, toe tapping and head bobbing journey through the Land of 700P3D music. GET LOOPED into Panu’s rhythmic synth groove.
