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Head Run

uploaded: Sat, Sep 7, 2019 @ 3:01 AM last modified: Sat, Sep 7, 2019 @ 3:03 AM  (add)
FeaturingKara Square
Recommends (14)
Dystopian atmosphere thanks to crazy wavetable treatment. As often, this track originated of a total loss accident…

It’ll be the opener of our upcoming web-release album called Disturbing Science. (

We started with some hard hitting drums (oh yes my dear, we love it) which do their thing with no particular rules except for, eh, hitting hard ;-)
Later on we added a dark sounding pad line and played a confusing bass to emphasize it’s strangeness.

We thought it’s time to glove up again and do some crude vocal-surgery. Sorry, Kara, this time you’ve been the victim…
The Rest is mixing, juggling with send levels and adding even more stange synthlines.

Voila, c’est fait & wohl bekomms!

With luv from Hamburg

Contents of ZIP Archive: 01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass

  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - ARP - Mauler.flac (2.06MB)
  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - ARP - SeqSyn.flac (4.15MB)
  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - BASS - Duell.flac (2.29MB)
  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - BASS - HiSeq.flac (4.26MB)
  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - BASS - Low.flac (1.69MB)
  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - BASS - Top.flac (6.61MB)
  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - BASSLEAD - Achterbahn.flac (6.31MB)
  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - BASSLEAD - Ansuck!.flac (434.86KB)
  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - BASSLEAD - Rumurfl.flac (1,019.49KB)
  • /01 - HR - Arp+Bass+Brass/Head Run - BRASS - Bratmaxe Melo.flac (8.04MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: 02 - HR - Drums+Pad+Strin

  • /02 - HR - Drums+Pad+Strings/Head Run - DRUMS - Body Heat.flac (7.15MB)
  • /02 - HR - Drums+Pad+Strings/Head Run - DRUMS - Stretch Pack.flac (19.85MB)
  • /02 - HR - Drums+Pad+Strings/Head Run - PAD - Unstable.flac (2.09MB)
  • /02 - HR - Drums+Pad+Strings/Head Run - PAD - Vorsichtig.flac (1.97MB)
  • /02 - HR - Drums+Pad+Strings/Head Run - PAD - Zittrpad.flac (4.70MB)
  • /02 - HR - Drums+Pad+Strings/Head Run - STRINGS - Streifenpferd.flac (3.62MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: 03 - HR - Vocals

  • /03 - HR - Vocals/Head Run - Vocals.flac (9.59MB)

"Head Run"
by 7OOP3D

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

7OOP3D takes Kara Square’s Dark Clouds and turns it into a dark future tale. It’s fit for a cyberpunk soundtrack. A banging beat and industrial edge.
I’m definitely chippin’ in.

Mana Junkie