Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » narva9 » "Too Quiet Night"

Too Quiet Night

uploaded: Sat, Sep 20, 2008 @ 1:30 PM
Recommends (10)
I’ve had a bad case of writers block and unwanted “real life”….so here’s a song about feeling uncreative:-) It’s a bit flat…appreicate any assistance to liven it up a bit.

Too Quiet Night
Thoughts are silent, no words to say
No soft voices to guide the way
The larks have flown to sunnier climes
Only the wind howls outside

Where have they gone, my muse my loves
Into to too quiet night so dark
They have all slipped away

Trapped am I in the silence deep
Bound to my mute nothingness
I am alone in all my dark despair
I have no light to spare

Save me, save me, please show me the way
Whisper the words that I need to say
Lend me your voice and let me sing again
Let the music play

"Too Quiet Night"
by narva9

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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