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One World

uploaded: Sun, Mar 16, 2008 @ 7:06 PM last modified: Mon, Mar 24, 2008 @ 3:27 PM  (replace)
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This song has been rattling around our “to be recorded” list for a while. We sang it once at an open mike where it was deemed too naive in sentiment. But it’s spring… some innocent hope seemed appropriate.

One World One Day
If you had a choice
if you had a say
If you had the power
Would you change the world today

Are you ready for the light
Are you tired of the dard
Do you dream of a better day
Do you see another way

One step, one voice
A single candle to light the way
A dream, a hope
For one world, one day

What is right? What’s wrong
Is there time to speak
Have your words the courage
Your voice the strength to sway

Do you think it’s time
Can you stand to wait
Will you raise your voice with mine
Shall we choose another way


Will you take my hand
Will you take this stand
For hope and peace on earth
For the brotherhood of man

If you had a choice
If you had a say
If you had the power
Would you change the world today?
Would you change the world today?

"One World"
by narva9

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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