Mixing-Celebratory Secret Mixter
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Vidian (in the house)

uploaded: Sun, Feb 11, 2024 @ 12:47 AM
Recommends (12)
Now this was fun! I dug deep through nearly 20 years of ccmixter and found so much material that I decided to use it all. Well, most of it. I downloaded samples from every song Vidian uploaded them plus his first remix, the latest one and the most recommended one.

The resulting song is great. But - there is always a but - it is not this one. :) For this remix I took the pieces I did like most and made them even housier.

Maybe some information about what I did. There was a lot of cutting and eq’ing used. From some source I took only a snare, a hat or a whisper. From other I took a melody and mangled it into something arp like. The nice house piano got a kind of custom echo by manually using some notes again. The bass line was cut into pieces and rearranged. And then then were a lot of nice percussive loops that are now even more percussive and wobble around your head.

Mastering all of this was quite challenging. Lot of samples were in a the same frequency range and had serious spikes in loudness. But in the end everything worked out. At least I think so. :)

P.S. Sorry Snowflake for letting you curse so much. But this gave the song a nice flow and glued everything together. Writing this I realize that this could make the song NSFW. *ticking the box*

"Vidian (in the house)"
by musikpirat

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