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There is no reality (Half Pill) (Updated)

uploaded: Sun, Sep 5, 2021 @ 7:47 AM last modified: Thu, Sep 9, 2021 @ 11:19 AM  (add)
Recommends (7)
Don’t know if this really fits into the lofi category. Think it might need some more vinyl sounds, but I did not find a plugin that I was willing to install on this computer. Why do the all want admin access?

Tried to use some music theory I learnt in a YouTube-Video about making lofi songs. (That’s the piano part mainly.)

For other versions of the reality, take a look at the playlist.

Maybe I’ll eventually generate the other half of the pill. Thumbs up if you want a extended version. :)

@Kara: Sorry for using the sample again. :)

The background forrest sounds are taken from this recording (“Waldgeräusche zum Entspannen” (2020) by Eva Deinert, Sophie Dezlhofer, Lukas Graw und Gerhard Wicho). I believe (and hope ;) that using a part of that recording is legal, in U.S. and in german law, since the part is “blend” into the whole song and can no longer be identified as the original work.

"There is no reality (Half Pill) (Updated)"
by musikpirat

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