Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Deep in the House of ccMixter

uploaded: Sun, Aug 3, 2014 @ 12:07 PM
BPM120 - 128
Recommends (11)
Finally I found “some” time to record a DJ set again. Downloaded all 500+ Songs I recommended in 2014 and threw them into a couple of categories. And due to the fact that I had planned for a long time to create a strictly electronic set, I did so.

I had two choices: House or Trance. I decided to do House first. And what shall I say, it became pretty deep house.

Sorry for the quality of the upload. The 50 MB limit forced me to choice a pretty low bitrate. :(

An HQ download can be found here.

"Deep in the House of ccMixter"
by musikpirat

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.