Lully Lute-lay (Coventry Carol)
uploaded: Fri, Sep 11, 2009 @ 8:04 PM
I also uploaded this for Snowflake’s Holiday Project, but was encouraged to add it as a remix as well - enjoy!
— I wanted to create a mix that would honor Ciggi’s fantastic vocal work on this track, and also preserve the medieval feel of the song — very modal, very free tempo. I found the perfect accompaniment in “Amors me fait conmecier”, a 13th century piece for lute (?) and recorder from Canconier’s self-titled CD. I also used track 2 from Buddha Machine 2, licensed CC BY-NC-SA.
media, remix, snowflake_holiday, downtempo, female_vocals, medieval, non_commercial_share_alike, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
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"Lully Lute-lay (Coventry Carol)"
by mpenny 2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |