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Does This Acid Make Me Look Fat?

uploaded: Sun, Apr 8, 2012 @ 4:21 PM
byMana Junkie
FeaturingAdisa McKenzie
Recommends (12)
If I incantation
a particular way,
it helps to set the mood.

You can use it reliably
on those kind of days.

It can be a digital version
of a record groove.

Anyone can put flame to food.

Another. Calm. ID.

Helps the Ego split.
Super-Ego quit.

Leaving no directions for us,
that’s why we loop the chorus.

Part 2

While I stand one,
and you stand two,
we know its all the same
but we still push the blues.

And we did it for the greyish green.
and to paint a scene,
with a flare for the dramatic
isn’t it “Tragic”
We’ve been “trapped” here in this last act

Before the curtain closes on the whole bogus show
Sarcasm is no joke.
Slow gropes at hope disguised as hope.

Then comes the folk.

Part 3
Even in the form of sign waves,
signs that don’t stay -
put -
the play button on the hook.
I invite you to take a look,
or a listen.

While the bass line draws to a close.

Part 4

I’m ready when you’re ready.
I’m ready when you’re ready.
I’m ready when you’re ready.
I’m ready when you’re ready.

Part 5

Now we’ve been fashionably late before.
Skip the coat check,
head straight to the dance floor.

That’s the kind of life I want to live.

comfortable in my position,
with plenty of bliss to give.

Part 6

Blisters give -
way to calluses
when its time to grow.

Or lessons learned,
we take our turn,
Upon the rocky road.

Then our actions
mimic our memories
and off we go.

We could have sat there
and let it come to us,
or so we’re told.

But then we would have missed the show.

Part 7

I’m ready when you’re ready.
I’m ready when you’re ready.
I’m ready when you’re ready.

"Does This Acid Make Me Look Fat?"
by Mana Junkie

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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