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Freedom To Share

uploaded: Mon, Aug 23, 2010 @ 3:07 AM
byMana Junkie
Recommends (17)
This is the one I meant to upload the other one was just fooling around some with the sound. LOL. ;)

Dear Mr. Williams, I am sorry to say
I have just read your letter here in San Diego today
You see, it troubles me greatly to see that you claim
That I endorse your view
Though you may not know my name
Or in fact where I live, how I think, feel or care
You see I am a Songwriter
Speaking up for a Freedom To Share.

Did we meet at the Senator’s luncheon in ‘04?
At the Red Elephant Convention with Mr. Hatch in New York?
If we did my apologies, for I met many folks from ASCAP that day
That I’d not met before.

Now I do appreciate your efforts, to speak on my behalf
But the statement’s you’ve made
Well in all honesty make me laugh.

You see as a child on my fourth birthday
My parents brought home a piano
No unions, or subscriptions to pay
I was free just to sit and improv and create
No authorisation needed to sing or to play.

Years later in Nashville and then in LA I heard:

“If you just lose some weight
And write lighter songs, love songs
You can make it real big
Lots of folks will be singing along
Now, will you dance on TV and sing our list of tunes?”
I said, “No, I’m a writer. So I pick the web over you.”

And now I write, record, upload and sing
Perform at concerts and conventions worldwide
But there are few who can or will pay
So I’ve got a job on the side.

But I still have my music and that’s a God given thing
Free to me and to all who love to play and to sing
I am free to express and share what I please
Without you or your contracts
Or your boxes and fees.

So Mr. Williams I am sure your intentions are pure
But whose words will you hear - those of your artist or of your lawyer?
Copyleft is my choice, copyright is MY right
Now if you’d just say you’re sorry
And make amends quite contrite,
Remain a member of ASCAP?
Well, I just might.

"Freedom To Share"
by Mana Junkie

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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