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Forced still

uploaded: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 @ 3:18 AM last modified: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 @ 3:25 AM  (replace)
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Forced still
Forced still again
Forsaking all others and stains drain men
Quivering distant lights betray the failing nights
Breaking rights tangled and twisted tales
Clothed in all you sent and all I possess
Numb the pain with promised poison
Frozen void and Trojan notions.
Along ledges of narrow and ceiling burrows
Crying deaths and hopes keep fighting.
Hold her hand and remember this feeling
Denying that your destiny is the same
Spinning thoughts and questions posed
Sweating the time and lay hope on prose
The clammy velvet touch of the last moments
Memories fade and imagined, made up
Stop dragging your feet little boy come on
I’ve no time for this it’s now all gone”
(…this next bit isn’t in the song…it was going to be next…)
Bruises and blurry eyed tasting the disguise
Itching fingers and vermin thrive

"Forced still"
by ambtax1

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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